Mythological Stories

Krishna and Mount Govardhan
Can a human lift a mountain? Can a human make a stand against the god of war? Read this amazing story to find out!!
Krishna and Mount Govardhan
Can a human lift a mountain? Can a human make a stand against the god of war? Read this amazing story to find out!!

Krishna and Kaliya
Is it possible to defeat an enemy by dancing? Or by playing a musical instrument? What if someone defeats their opponent with music and dance? Read about this one of...
Krishna and Kaliya
Is it possible to defeat an enemy by dancing? Or by playing a musical instrument? What if someone defeats their opponent with music and dance? Read about this one of...

Krishna Breaking the Twin Trees
When Krishna is tied up, is escape impossible? Read this story filled with hilarious and divine events alike!!
Krishna Breaking the Twin Trees
When Krishna is tied up, is escape impossible? Read this story filled with hilarious and divine events alike!!

Krishna and the Pot of Butter
Krishna is upto no good once again! See how even a god is naughty in his childhood days!!.
Krishna and the Pot of Butter
Krishna is upto no good once again! See how even a god is naughty in his childhood days!!.

Krishna and the Fruit Seller
Buying fruits becomes a funny endeavour when Krishna tries to bargain with a fruit seller!!
Krishna and the Fruit Seller
Buying fruits becomes a funny endeavour when Krishna tries to bargain with a fruit seller!!

Krishna and His Cosmic Form
When Lord Krishna was a baby, his list of antics was endless. Read below the story of one such incident where Lord Krishna’s antics revealed something spectacular!
Krishna and His Cosmic Form
When Lord Krishna was a baby, his list of antics was endless. Read below the story of one such incident where Lord Krishna’s antics revealed something spectacular!